Cognitive Level and Its Influence on Stubbornness

Cognitive Level and Its Influence on Stubbornness
Photo by frank mckenna / Unsplash

The lower an individual's cognitive level, the more stubborn they tend to be.

Many suggest that cognitive level represents the most significant divide among people. Indeed, the more learned individuals are, the more open-minded they become, demonstrating a greater ability to accept new knowledge. Even in desperate circumstances, they can reinvent themselves. Conversely, those with lower cognitive levels tend to be more closed-minded, often displaying stubbornness and an inability to change course until they hit a wall. In essence, one's cognitive level defines their stature in life.

Individuals with lower cognitive levels possess a limited worldview. I once came across a thought-provoking story that illustrates this point: a destitute man, upon his death, asked God why he had been subjected to a life of hardship while others basked in wealth and glory. God responded that he had placed knowledge, skills, beliefs, and opportunities within the man's reach, but he had only seen him walking with his head lowered, focusing on his labor and not noticing the opportunities above him. The man was not only poor in material wealth but, more fundamentally, poor in cognition and vision.

In today's world, a lack of sufficient knowledge can leave one's life riddled with challenges. As a popular saying goes, "A person can never earn more than his level of understanding."

Cognition shapes perspective, and perspective defines one's approach to life. Without expanding your viewpoint, you risk missing many opportunities. As Nietzsche stated, "The limit of our cognition is the limit of our world." The gap between people lies in the small, ever-widening cognitive divide. True success is reserved for those who continually refine their cognition, break boundaries, and grow.

Individuals with lower cognitive levels often exhibit inflexible thinking. This rigidity is a significant obstacle to personal growth. These individuals frequently adhere to their existing viewpoints, failing to understand that there's always more to learn. It's crucial to recognize one's limitations and continuously strive for improvement. If not, one risks getting stuck in a cycle of limited cognition.

A common example is those who remain busy yet poor. Their thinking and cognition focus solely on immediate survival, leaving no room for long-term planning. This lack of foresight stifles potential and deepens poverty. The key to achieving greater success in this era is cognitive breakthrough.

People with lower cognitive levels often lack introspection. As Socrates said, "The only thing I know is that I know nothing." High cognitive individuals tend to embrace humility, maintaining an open-minded, empty cup mentality. This attitude allows them to learn from experiences and grow through reflection. Those who think they know it all often block out the truth, leading to greater ignorance.

If you don't continuously update your knowledge, you'll remain trapped in past experiences, making significant achievements and progress difficult to attain. Introspection takes great wisdom and courage. While self-analysis can be painful, it often leads to transformative growth.

In conclusion, cognition influences our choices, and these choices shape our destiny. Hence, the essence of growth lies in making our cognitive processes more transparent. Keep an open mind, expand your cognitive boundaries, and clear your knowledge blind spots to avoid being confined by the present and to envision a broader world.